We are privileged to be the in position where we limit our partnership to a maximum of 3-5 businesses at any one time, which allows us to dedicate all our resources to helping those few founders achieve their business’ maximum potential.
With more time and resources to dedicate, we develop a fundamentally deeper understanding of our partner businesses and maintain close relationships with the founders leading them.
Ultimately the focus on quality over quantity results in outsized returns for both founders and investors.
Our investment criteria is as follows:​​​​​​​

Wilson Partners offers high quality accounting and corporate finance advice to a range of customer across the South East. It is the trusted financial advisor to its clients and is building a differentiated accounting, tax and corporate finance offering by focusing on using cutting edge technology and fostering an outstanding team culture.
Zenzero is an IT services and digital transformation partner for a number of preeminent organisations in the UK. It is the trusted technology partner for its clients, and focusses on supporting a broad range of technology solutions as well as providing strategic insights and transformation implementation across its client base.

Atmos and Thomson are specialist environmental consulting firms with expertise across ecology, EIAs, hydrology, habitats, town planning and other disciplines. They work with clients to solve environmental and planning hurdles to maximise outcomes, minimise risk and maintain regulatory compliance. We invested in Atmos and Thomson alongside Mornington Partners in 2023/4.

Cymphony is a leading UK telephone answering, managed web chat and virtual assistant business, focusing on building a great team culture and an impeccable service for its customers. Cymphony has scaled quickly through a combination of acquisitive and organic growth and has ambitious plans to be a truly differentiated market leader.
This profile of business is in our sweet spot and we understand them exceptionally well. We get that this size of business can be a bit messy underneath. We get that there is no desire for a 6+ month transaction process with detailed due diligence, requesting data that doesn’t exist. We get that certain support functions like IT or HR might be underdeveloped and the business may reflect the quirks of the founder. We are used to this, and we would be worried if it wasn’t the case!
These are all things we can help with. What we are interested in is a business that knows how to grow organically in a defensible market with founders/management who are hungry to move things to the next level.
​Our partnerships are summarised below: